Politics Explained

How can Boris Johnson escape his Brexit trap?

The prime minister faces the humiliation of begging the European Union for a delay – and his options are running out fast, says Rob Merrick

Sunday 08 September 2019 10:44
Political headache: what’s the PM’s next move?
Political headache: what’s the PM’s next move?

The gleeful opposition parties believe Boris Johnson is a cornered rat – unable to call the election he craves and facing the humiliation of having to beg for a further Brexit delay. A law to block a no-deal Brexit will be in place on Monday – imposing a legal duty to seek an Article 50 extension if no agreement has been reached by 19 October.

As Tony Blair put it, rather painfully: “Jeremy Corbyn has the most sensitive parts of Johnson’s political anatomy in his hands. Johnson cannot move without his consent.” So, after a calamitous week for the prime minister, what are his options?

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