Theresa May berated by UK business leaders over lack of Brexit clarity

'There is no room for continued ambiguity,' director general and president of British Chambers of Commerce write

Josie Co
Business Editor
Wednesday 07 February 2018 01:23
Clear UK negotiating objectives are crucial to both businesses and public confidence, the BCC says
Clear UK negotiating objectives are crucial to both businesses and public confidence, the BCC says

Both the director general and the president of the British Chambers of Commerce have launched a fresh urgent appeal for clarity on Brexit, writing in an open letter to Theresa May that businesses are still being left in the dark on crucial issues

Francis Martin, president of the BCC, and Adam Marshall, the group’s director general, write in the letter to the Prime Minister that, with just over a year to go until the UK leaves the EU, there are still no answers to many “practical questions” faced by companies.

“Businesses need those elected to govern our country to make choices – and to deliver a clear, unequivocal statement of intent,” they write.

They argue that the perception among businesses – both large and small – is one of “continued division” within the Government.

“Even amongst the many optimistic, future-oriented firms – those who see opportunity in change – patience is wearing thin. Directly-affected companies are poised to activate contingency plans. Many others, worryingly, have simply disengaged,” they write.

They add that clear UK negotiating objectives are crucial to both businesses and public confidence and that any transition “must lead to a clear endpoint”.

“There is no room for continued ambiguity as companies make investment and hiring decisions. The Government must set out its plans.”

The BCC, which represents thousands of UK companies, has been one of the most vocal business group’s on Brexit alongside organisations like the Confederation of British Industry.

Mr Marshall in late December said that the BCC’s 75,000 members were “dismayed” with the Government’s approach as well as with the apparent “division and disorganisation” within politics.

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