Inside Politics: Johnson says it’s job of business to plug labour shortages amid supply chain crisis

PM tells firms its up to them to prevent Christmas shortages, writes Matt Mathers

Monday 04 October 2021 08:30

Tory Party conference continues today with big speeches from Rishi Sunak and Lord Forst, the Brexit minister. Amid an ongoing supply chain crisis and worsening petrol supplies in southern England, the Conservatives will use this week’s conference to pitch themselves as the party willing to deliver high wages for Britain’s workers, as opposed to Labour who they will claim are ready to plug labour shortages by “pulling the lever” of immigration. Elsewhere, Tony Blair and a major Tory donor are caught up in a huge leak of financial documents which exposes the financial secrets of the rich and powerful. The chancellor will announce £500m for a jobs programme.

Inside the bubble

Parliament is in recess until 18 October. Tory Party conference continues with Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, set to give a speech from the main stage at 11.50am. Andy Burnham, the mayor of Greater Manchester, speaks at fringe event, Transport for the North, at 1.30pm.

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