My Carbon Footprint: Refresh or fail, said nobody ever

The suggestion we are inadequate without an update is not realistic, says Kate Hughes

Wednesday 13 April 2022 21:30
<p>Omnipresent buying messages tell us that everything will be brighter with a consumer splurge</p>

Omnipresent buying messages tell us that everything will be brighter with a consumer splurge

It’s all my best mate’s fault. She came around last week and casually deposited a copy of the countryside aspirational living type of mag she’s got a rolling subscription to on the sofa. There, in big letters scrawled across the shiny cover – in yellow, obviously – was that word.

Whatever total chaos is going on in the wider world – ignored reports of an “unliveable planet”, genocide, political “leaders” ignoring the law but staying in office because of all the other chaos – nothing says stability, predictability, hope and, apparently, shopping as the turning of the seasons to spring.

You can sum it all up in one, increasingly grating, instruction: “refresh”. Now that the days are longer, the retail world is yet again telling us we need one – that what we really, definitely need to do right now is refresh our wardrobes, homes, entire lives it seems. That will make everything better. Definitely.

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