Album: The Futureheads, Rant (Nul)


Andy Gill
Thursday 29 March 2012 18:12

Kudos to The Futureheads for attempting Rant, an entirely a cappella album of R&B covers, traditional folk songs and rearranged morsels from their back catalogue.

The folk material is treated with great gusto, the band capturing a proper polyphonic Wicker Man vibe on "Sumer Is Icumen In" and "The Keeper" (although they rather steamroller the subtleties of Richard Thompson's "Beeswing"); and while their retreads of "Robot" and "Thursday" come perilously close to "Bohemian Rhapsody", the makeovers of Kelis's "Acapella" and Sparks' "The No. 1 Song in Heaven" are brilliant. But the real standout is "Meet Me Halfway", their choral deconstruction transforming The Black Eyed Peas number into something new and entirely original.

DOWNLOAD THIS Meet Me Halfway; No. 1 Song In Heaven; Acapella

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