David Cameron: My 'heart goes out' to woman burnt in petrol accident


Tim Sculthorpe
Friday 30 March 2012 17:40

Prime Minister David Cameron said today his heart went out to the woman who was burnt while transferring petrol between canisters in her kitchen.

Speaking at 10 Downing Street shortly after he chaired a meeting of the Government's Cobra emergency contingencies committee, Mr Cameron welcomed the decision by the Unite union not to call strikes of petrol tanker drivers before Easter.

He called on the union to engage constructively in talks at conciliation service Acas on Monday and urged it to withdraw the threat of strike action.

The Prime Minister said: "It is now clear there will not be a strike before Easter, and I'm sure the whole country will welcome that news.

"It is vitally important the trade union in question enters these talks on Monday constructively. The most constructive thing they could do would be to call off the strike entirely.

"That would ease pressure in the system still further. The Government will continue with its contingency plans.

"It is absolutely vital we take the necessary steps to keep the country safe in case there is a strike.

"I can tell people the fuel companies are working flat-out to resupply petrol stations.

"It is frustrating, I know, when petrol stations have queues. Everything that can be done is being done, but it will take some time."

Asked about the incident in York, he said: "This was absolutely a desperate incident and a terrible thing that has happened to this woman. My heart goes out to her and her family. Everything that can be done is being done to help her at this time."


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