New York City will close its public schools this week in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, reversing an earlier decision to keep them open. 

New York mayor Bill de Blasio said the city's school system, which is the largest in the country and serves some 1.1 million students, would close early next week.    

“I’m very, very concerned that we see a rapid spread of this disease, and it’s time to take more dramatic measures,” he said at a press conference on Sunday. “This is a decision I have taken with no joy and a lot of pain.”

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The mayor said the plan was to reopen schools again on April 20, but that they may remain closed for the rest of the school year. 

The announcement came as the number of confirmed cases in the city stood at 329 on Sunday, and nearly double that in New York state. Five people are known to have died so far. 

“I have been very honest about the fact that there is a real possibility that by closing our schools now there is a very real chance we will not be able to reopen our schools for the first school year," the mayor said. 

Multiple states had already announced they were closing schools. So have cities including Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, D.C. The shutdown affects the city's nearly 1,900 public schools.

Both Mr de Blasio and New York state governor Andrew Cuomo had expressed concern that closing schools could force frontline medical workers to stay at home to care for their children. 

Governor Cuomo also changed his mind on Sunday, announcing his support for the school closures just minutes before the mayor's announcement. 

Both reversed their positions after an influential union that represents health care workers called for the schools to close. 

— With agencies 


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