Justin Bieber storms off stage in Norway after telling fans: 'I'm done, I'm not doing the show'

The singer reacted angrily after water was split on the stage 

Heather Saul
Friday 30 October 2015 09:31

It has not been the best of weeks for Justin Bieber.

Fresh from walking out of an interview on Spanish radio when he was asked to help “break the internet”, the singer then brought a concert in Norway to a close after singing just one song when a fan spilt water on the stage.

Footage captured by an audience member shows the Canadian singer becoming increasingly irate with fans in Olso touching him and trying to help clean up as he wipes the floor.

“Yo, what are you doing?” he asked repeatedly. “Stop it, I said stop it. Come on.”

The video from Thursday’s concert shows Bieber bending down and telling a group: “Guys, listen to me! OK I’m trying to wipe the floor. Give me a second.”

Fans on the front row appeared unaware the singer was angry until he walked off. He then began wiping the floor before abruptly standing up, telling the audience, “Never mind, I’m done, I’m not doing the show,” and leaving the stage, reportedly leaving fans in tears. The Norwegian site VG reports Bieber headed straight to the airport and flew back to Canada in a private jet after the show, stopping to take pictures with fans at the airport.

The incident was met with mixed reactions on Twitter, with some defending his decision to cancel the concert. But others were less forgiving, accusing him of being “unprofessional” and overly dramatic.

He addressed the incident in an Instagram post hours later, where he blamed young audience members on the front row for refusing to listen to his instructions.

“Sadly it’s been a rough week for me, long days, no sleep, while having to be ‘on’ as they would say for cameras fans etc,” he wrote.

“In no way did I mean to come across mean, but chose to end the show as the people in the front row would not listen.

“Hopefully people will understand where I am coming from. I don’t always handle things the right way but I’m human and I’m working on getting better at responding not reacting.”

Bieber has experienced a turblulent few weeks after nude pictures of him taken without his consent were leaked online. The 21-year-old said the images made him feel “violated” and intruded upon.

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