Owners of London’s rudest coffee shop refused application to trademark 'offensive' name

F**koffee were denied a trademark earlier as the name was deemed 'offensive to a significant proportion of the UK public'

Alexandra Sims
Friday 30 October 2015 15:20
Manger Adrian Jones claimed sales had gone up 20 per cent since the shop changed its name two years ago
Manger Adrian Jones claimed sales had gone up 20 per cent since the shop changed its name two years ago

A controversial London coffee shop, which has been ordered to remove “offensive” signage, has shared an amusing letter refusing an application to trademark its blue name.

Managers at Bermondsey’s F**koffee were denied a trademark earlier this year as the name was deemed “offensive to a significant proportion of the UK public".

“The mark contains the highly offensive word “f**k” prominently positioned at the beginning of the mark,” a letter received from the Intellectual Property Office stated.

“Although, the letter “c” from the world “coffee” is missing and the two words are conjoined, the highly offensive word “fuck” remains very obvious in the mark,” it continued.

Last week, the café was threatened with legal action to remove the expletive-laden sign bearing its name from the front of the shop.

A letter from lawyers acting on behalf of the shop’s landlords said: "If you or your sub-tenant do not immediately remove the sign above the property shop front ‘F***offee’, and make good any damage caused to the exterior of the building, our client will have no option but to remove the sign themselves or issue court proceedings seeking an injunction requiring you to remove the sign.”

The shop complied with the order on Tuesday, however, rather than completely renaming the shop, the managers simply added an asterisk where the name's letter “u” previously sat.

Manger Adrian Jones, branded the controversy “a storm in a tea cup” and claimed sales had gone up 20 per cent since the shop changed its name from Brick Lane Coffee two years ago, the Mirror reports.

Despite derision towards the shop’s name, the business has been inundated with support from customers and even the Mayor of London.

When asked on Twitter if F**koffee should be forced to change its name Boris Johnson replied: “I am a free marketer – is it popular?”

Ben Johnson, Liberal Democrat Councillor for Grange Ward, Southwark, has also got behind the shop saying: "I believe in freedom of expression and enjoy the eclectic mix of businesses on the street. I also believe in the right to offend. No crime has been committed and there is no role for the council in controlling shop signs.”

A change.org petition, in defence of the name has received over 360 signatures, while swathes of people have taken to Twitter to express their support.


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