Jeremy Corbyn says David Cameron is 'jealous' of his Holloway Road style after PMQs spat

'You know what he is really jealous of? That I can go shopping in the greatest shopping centre in the world, Holloway Road, N7, and he has to stick with Bond Street'

Alexandra Sims
Thursday 25 February 2016 17:13
David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn talk mums at PMQs

Jeremy Corbyn has claimed David Cameron is “jealous” of his north London fashion sense, following a heated spat over the Labour leader’s attire during Prime Minister’s Questions.

Speaking to a Sky News camera man ahead of an interview on Thursday, Mr Corbyn teasingly readjusted his tie saying, “I’ve got to do my tie up because of the Prime Minister”, and suggested Mr Cameron was envious of his Holloway Road shopping spot.

The comments come in the wake of Wednesday’s PMQs, during which Mr Cameron launched a heated personal attack against, Mr Corbyn ridiculing his dress sense.

The jibe came in response to a Labour MP’s heckle referring to the Prime Minister’s mother signing a petition opposing cuts to children’s centres.

Mr Cameron told the Commons: “I think I know what my mother would say.

"I think she would look across the despatch box and she would say, ‘Put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem'.”

Responding to the Prime Minister's remarks, Mr Corbyn said on Thursday: “He is actually jealous of the jacket.

“You know what he is really jealous of? That I can go shopping in the greatest shopping centre in the world, Holloway Road, N7, and he has to stick with Bond Street.”

The shadow leader of the Commons, Chris Bryant, also offered some motherly advice to the Commons on Thursday.

Mr Byrant said: "Talking of mother's advice, my mother told me [...] never trust a man with slip-on shoes.

"I merely point out that the Prime Minister was wearing slip-on shoes yesterday."

Mr Cameron has been criticised for his remarks with some Labour MP’s condemning the Prime Minster for hitting a “new low” during PMQs, the Telegraph reports.

Following the Commons debate Mr Corbyn quoted Einstein on Twitter, writing: “If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes & shoddy furniture let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas & shoddy philosophies.”

Additional reporting by Press Association

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