Centrist Dad

God Save the Queen – from the rest of us

Union flag in hand for the jubilee, Will Gore recalls an embarrassing meeting with Her Majesty

Friday 03 June 2022 14:19
<p>‘During the 70 years of her reign, how many people must the Queen have spoken with?’ </p>

‘During the 70 years of her reign, how many people must the Queen have spoken with?’

There is something rather apt about having platinum as the designated marker for a 70th anniversary: it speaks to still being highly valued but suggests rather less sparkle than there was on the diamond day 10 years before.

Poor old Elizabeth. What with the loss of her beloved Philip and the family rows, it’s no wonder that she might feel this jubilee doesn’t quite have the exuberance of the previous one. If it wasn’t for Craig David performing at the palace party, the whole thing could easily be a washout.

The Queen is nothing if not a trooper, however, and by dint of her obvious sense of public service (and her grand age), she is largely a unifying force in this country. And heaven knows we need a bit of that at the moment.

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