Tenet trailer: Watch the mysterious new teaser for Christopher Nolan's long-awaited film

Fans finally have an idea what the hell the film is about

Jacob Stolworthy
Friday 22 May 2020 06:43
Tenet trailer

Film fans finally have an idea of what Christopher Nolan’s new film is about thanks to a new trailer the director has released.

Twitter users were surprised when Fortnite’s official account revealed the clip would be unveiled as part of the popular game and, sure enough, at around 1am BST, a brand new look at Tenet was dropped by Warner Bros.

Alongside the trailer – which you can now watch above – was a tantalising new synopsis.

It turns out that Tenet is actually about “time inversion”.

Nolan’s new film – his first since Second World War drama Dunkirk – is an espionage drama starring both Pattinson and John David Washington. ‘

The synopsis reads: “John David Washington is the new Protagonist in Christopher Nolan’s original sci-fi action spectacle Tenet. Armed with only one word – Tenet – and fighting for the survival of the entire world, the Protagonist journeys through a twilight world of international espionage on a mission that will unfold in something beyond real time. Not time travel. Inversion.”

Quite what that means is unknown, although fans are hoping they will be more clued up should the film proceed with its release on 17 July despite the fact strict lockdown guidelines may still be in place.

This scheduled date is up in the air, but cinemagoers are hopeful that they will have a reason to leave the house when July rolls around.

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