The Dandy Warhols had just finished recording their ninth album when the roof literally fell in on their studio - flooding the place with rainwater.

"Our whole thing is a disorganized byproduct of being alive,” frontman Taylor-Taylor says. “So our music is organized disorganization.”

They're still making music out of Portland, Oregon; observing the change that has taken place where what was once an area where artists could thrive, but has gradually been gentrified.

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This "distortion" of the environment the band knew and loved appears to take shape in the album itself; Taylor-Taylor says he "noticed there is a lot of distortion on the tracks, and in weird places.

“Distortion on the vocals, drums, keyboards, not just distorted guitars. Even the acoustic I found myself putting distortion on. Meanwhile, we're living in Portland, Oregon, which has gone from .5 million to 2.5 million, and thats the weirdest thing. I just looked out my window and thought 'Distortland'.... yep. The dirty little town that time forgot, one day became the cultural epicenter of earth.”

Distortland was mixed by Jim Lowe - best known for his work with Taylor Swift and Beyonce: "We record very dirty, so having a clean mixer is great... The record is still loaded with dirt, it's just well organized dirt,” Taylor-Taylor says.

The album is the band's first studio LP since 2012's This Machine. Courtney notes that the end result is an album that is “organised like a pop record but still has the sonic garbage in there."

Listen to the album premiere in full and let us know what you think:

Distortland is released on Dine Alone Records on 8 April - pre-order it on iTunes or in record stores now. The band tour the following dates in May:

20th Bristol O2 Academy, Bristol

21st Electric Ballroom, London *SOLD OUT*

22nd Southampton, Engine Rooms

23rd Nottingham, Rescue Rooms

24th Newcastle Upon Tyne, University Of Northumbria

26th Glasgow, The Art School

27th Belfast, Northern Ireland

28th Dublin, The Academy Dublin

29th Liverpool Sound City


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