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Coronavirus news - live: Review finds death rate higher among ethnic minorities as MPs queue up to vote for 'insane' return to Westminster

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A waiter wearing a face mask serves at Cafe de Flore, as restaurants and cafes reopen following the covid-19 outbreak, in Paris, France, 2 June 2020

Health secretary Matt Hancock has vowed to “get to the bottom” of the reason BAME people are disproportionately likely to die as a result of Covid-19 following the release of a report which showed high ethnic minority deaths from the virus in the UK.

It comes as the official UK death toll rose by 324 to almost 40,000 in the latest set of figures from the Department of Health and Social Care – with the total fatality figure likely to exceed 40,000 in the coming days.

Elsewhere, lockdown measures are being lifted in many countries, with restaurants and bars able to open today in France for the first time since March, while Nigeria is to reopen places of worship and Slovakia is to open indoor sports centres and pools. Around the world, there have been more than 6.3m known cases and more than 377,000 deaths as a result of the virus – according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University.

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Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 07:40

In the UK the number of deaths due to the virus stand at 39,045, and there are 276,332 known cases.

Around the world, there are 6,373,456 known cases and so far there have been 377,579 deaths.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 07:42

British government ministers are mulling options to replace quarantines for people arriving at airports by the end of June, one being the idea of "air bridges", the Telegraph newspaper reported.

The policy of air bridges is meant to enable people from other countries who have achieved lower levels of coronavirus infection to come to Britain. The quarantine policy, which requires all international arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days, goes into effect from June 8, Interior Minister Priti Patel said in May.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 07:48

With the number of new infections from the virus declining, France's government ruled that from June 2, restaurants and bars could re-open, sunbathing on beaches can resume, and a ban on travel over 100 km (62 miles) can be lifted.

French restaurants, bars and cafes have been shut since March 16 to contain the spread of the outbreak.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 07:50

Colombia has issued new measures to control the spread in three of its most affected cities, including capital Bogota, as the rest of the country prepares for quarantine rules to start lifting.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 08:27

Wildlife advocates are pushing drugmakers to curb the use of prized horseshoe crab blood by switching to a synthetic alternative called recombinant Factor C (rFC) for safety tests that detect bacterial contamination in intravenous drugs or implants, including those needed before a Covid-19 vaccine can be used on humans.

This shift could save 100,000 horseshoe crabs annually on the US East Coast alone and help threatened migratory birds that depend on crab eggs for survival, say the National Audubon Society, Defenders of Wildlife and other groups.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 08:29

Professor Alberto Zangrillo, head of intensive care at Italy's San Raffaele Hospital in Lombardy, the area hardest hit during Italy's epidemic said provoked furore on Monday by saying “the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy”, adding: “The swabs performed over the past 10 days have showed a viral load that is absolutely infinitesimal in quantitative terms compared to those carried out a month or two months ago.

But the claim was refuted by WHO epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove and several other experts on viruses and infectious diseases, who said his comments were not supported by scientific evidence.

Ms Van Kerkhove told reporters: “In terms of transmissibility, that has not changed, in terms of severity, that has not changed.”

Read the full story here:

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 08:39

The Japanese Health Ministry said on Tuesday it will now allow saliva-based coronavirus tests, to help boost the number of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. Currently, nasal swabs are mainly used for tests in Japan, and sneezes at the time of collecting samples expose medical workers to the risk of potential infection.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 09:00

Berlin has lifted more restrictions put in place to curb the spread of coronavirus. Pubs, fitness studios and cinemas can reopen and protests with an unlimited number of participants are allowed again, starting as early as today.

In pubs all customers are required to sit at tables 1.5 metres apart instead of standing at the bar. 

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 09:03

High schools in the Netherlands are set to begin reopening from today as the country eases some lockdown measures.

Primary school children were allowed to return to school 11 May and will return to full schedules 8 June. Large scale events such as festivals and professional sporting events remain prohibited until at least 1 September, the government has said.

Harry.Cockburn2 June 2020 09:05


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