
Boris Johnson’s racism reviewer whose mind is already made up

She’s moved from far left to a Conservative No 10, writes Sean O'Grady. But if there’s one thing Munira Mirza has been consistent on, it’s her views on multicultural Britain

Sunday 21 June 2020 16:35
Meeting Boris in 2008 was the move that really changed her life, and she’s been in or around his orbit ever since
Meeting Boris in 2008 was the move that really changed her life, and she’s been in or around his orbit ever since

The ideal person to lead the government’s hastily arranged commission on racial inequalities, apparently, is Munira Mirza, head of the Downing Street policy unit.

She is from Oldham, the daughter of immigrants who arrived from Pakistan, her dad a factory worker, her mum what the Americans call a home-maker. She is well educated, well mannered and well connected. She is 42, a little younger than her close colleague Dominic Cummings, and also independent minded and not actually a member of the Conservative Party.

In fact she was “one of the left”, as she often coyly puts it, a supporter of the Revolutionary Communist Party, which is to say a Trotskyist. Like Claire Fox, Frank Furedi and others of that diaspora, she’s found libertarianism an equally bracing creed. A little known fact about Mirza – running government policy, remember – is that she is open to legalising drugs because “clearly something is not working”: “People take drugs recreationally and they enjoy it and they’re not going to stop, so something’s got to give,” she said in a 2018 interview.

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