I Am Cait: Transgender community praise ‘incredible’ Cailtyn Jenner for ‘accelerating acceptance’ as new series airs on E!

The docu-series is 'changing lives' with an honest depiction of transitioning.

Chris Mandle@chris_mandle
Monday 27 July 2015 14:53
Caitlyn Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner

Two months after making her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair, Caitlyn Jenner has made her first proper TV appearance in the new E! docu-series I Am Cait.

I Am Cait deals with some of the early stages of Jenner’s transition following the Vanity Fair shoot, featuring Jenner’s 89-year-old mother, Esther as she meets Caitlyn for the first time.

Some of the extended family also make cameo appearances, as Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and Kylie Jenner all help with the transition in their own way.

The reaction online has been hugely positive, with people praising I Am Cait for handling a sensitive topic with dignity.

In the first episode, Jenner also visits the mother of Kyler Prescott, a 14-year-old transgender child who killed himself earlier this year, and talks openly about using her privilege to fight for awareness, equality and dignity for trans people everywhere.

Here are some of the best Twitter reactions to the first episode of I Am Cait:

It comes after Jenner was praised for speaking up for transgender rights after collecting the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at ESPN's annual ESPYs ceremony earlier this month.

In an emotional speech, she highlighted the number of murders, suicides and attacks young transgender people continue to be at risk of.

"Trans people deserve something vital; they deserve your respect. From that respect comes a more compassionate community," she said, recieving a standing ovation.