Leonardo DiCaprio made a cameo (sort-of) alongside Oscar-winner Brie Larson in Room

Best Actor and Best Actress seen in the same movie for the first time since As Good As It Gets.

Jess Denham
Tuesday 01 March 2016 09:25
Brie Larson and Leonardo DiCaprio pose with their Oscars in the press room
Brie Larson and Leonardo DiCaprio pose with their Oscars in the press room

Leonardo DiCaprio might have finally won his Best Actor Oscar but few people know that he also made a sneaky cameo appearance in Best Actress winner Brie Larson’s movie Room.

The Revenant star can be seen on a poster, albeit in his fresh-faced Titanic days, when Larson’s character Joy is saved from her kidnapper and returns home to her high school bedroom that has remained unchanged for seven years.

It was A24, the indie distributor of Room, who shared the still on Twitter. “The first time a Best Actress and Best Actor were in the same movie since As Good As It Gets,” it wrote, to nearly 2,500 retweets.

Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt won their big gongs for As Good As It Gets in 1998, when Titanic took home an impressive 11 Oscars including Best Picture.

DiCaprio triumphed on Sunday night 22 years after receiving his first Best Actor nomination for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? He has three other nominations to his name for performances in The Aviator, Blood Diamond and The Wolf of Wall Street.

Leo acceptance speech

A24 also had a successful Oscars, winning Best Documentary for Amy and Best Visual Effects for Ex Machina, beating Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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