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Three dead after ‘emotionally disturbed’ man wielding hammer attacks people in New York restaurant

Police say alleged attacker Arthur Martunovich remains in a psychiatric ward after the deadly incident 

Chris Riotta
New York
Thursday 24 January 2019 22:13

A third person has died more than a week after a man wielding a hammer attacked victims in a New York City restaurant, authorities said on Thursday.

Tsz Mat Pung was the manager of the Seaport Buffet in the Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn, New York, where the attack took place. His death was announced on Thursday, according to WABC.

The alleged attacker has been identified as Arthur Martunovich, of Brooklyn. He reportedly remains in the hospital in a psychiatric ward.

The attacker walked into the restaurant on 15 January and began hitting unsuspecting victims with a hammer.

The incident caused a panic in the restaurant, sending people fleeing as police officers arrived on the scene.

Fufai Pun, a 34-year-old chef who worked at the restaurant, was killed during the attack.

The owner of the restaurant, 60-year-old Kheong Ng-Thang, died three days later.

Authorities do not believe the attacker had a connection to the restaurant prior to the incident.

Mr Martunovich has been charged on murder and attempted murder charges in the unprovoked attack. Police have described him as emotionally disturbed

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Information on the suspect’s lawyer was not immediately available.

Additional reporting by AP


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