Anna Richardson has issued a stark warning about sharing sexually explicit images after she posted nude pictures of herself online for a documentary about revenge porn.

'Revenge porn' involves a former partner uploading explicit images or videos on to host websites in order to humiliate their victim, who is usually female. Some victims have also had personal information, contact details and links to their social media profiles uploaded with pictures or videos.

The images are viewed thousands of times and shared across various websites and platforms, compounding the victim’s distress. New laws introduced by the Government now makes it a criminal offence in the UK to upload the pictures - but hosting them on a site is not illegal, making it harder to have photos removed.

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Within 48 hours of uploading an image onto a revenge porn website, it had been viewed over 40,000 times and received a number of sexually violent comments. Even more worryingly, she was also contacted by two men.

Appearing on ITV's This Morning to discuss her documentary, she said: "I think it's everybody's right to have naked pictures and enjoy sexuality. But if you do have those pictures, remember you are hackable.

"Once you share your photos, you have lost control of them."

Revenge Porn will air on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight.


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