Avatar 2: James Cameron addresses gap between Avatar films

'It was a seven-year gap between The Terminator and Terminator 2'

Jack Shepherd@JackJShepherd
Tuesday 30 May 2017 13:13

Smashing box-office records in 2009, Avatar quickly became the highest-grossing film of all time, James Cameron beating his own record-breaking Titanic.

Despite the financial incentive, Cameron and the film studio will release the sequel in 2019, ten years after the original reached cinemas. As a result, there’s some hesitancy regarding whether there’s still longing for another Avatar outing.

Asked by CNN whether worried about the gap between the last Avatar and further Avatar-related releases — such as the upcoming Disney’s Pandora theme park — Camron reminded the interviewer about the gap between other films in other series.

“It was a seven-year gap between The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, a seven-year gap between Alien and Aliens,” the famed director said before reaffirming how the prospect of another four Avatar films is unlike anything anyone has done before.

“It’s going to be obviously more like a ten-year gap between Avatar and Avatar 2. But Avatar 2 you are going to with not the promise, but the certainty of three more films beyond that, and that’s a very different concept with the audience. And a lot of the delay has been around creating that overall vision”.

Recently, the four sequels were given release dates by 20th Century Fox, starting 18 December 2020, the rest coming 17 December 2021, 20 December 2024, and 19 December 2025.

Previously talking about the project, Cameron said: “The thing is, my focus isn’t on Avatar 2. My focus is on Avatar 2, 3, 4, and 5 equally. That’s exactly how I’m approaching it.


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