Tiger Woods 'did not know where he was' during DUI arrest, police report reveals

The former world No 1 failed to follow simple instructions and was described as "confused" 

Ed Malyon@eaamalyon
Tuesday 30 May 2017 16:12
Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods "did not know where he was" when he was arrested for driving under the influence on Monday, the police report of his arrest has revealed.

The troubled former star was described as "confused" and struggled to follow basic instructions when pulled over by police in Florida.

41-year-old Woods was arrested at 3am when police found him asleep roadside in a black Mercedes - something he has since blamed on prescription medication.

“Woods stated that he was coming from LA California from golfing," the report states, despite him being arrested in Florida.

It continues: "Woods stated that he did not know where he was. Woods had changed his story of where he was going and where he was coming from. Woods asked how far from his house he was.

“Woods had extremely slow and slurred speech.

“It should be noted that Woods was asleep at the wheel and had to be woken up. The vehicle was running and brake lights were illuminated as well as the right blinker flashing.

The 41-year-old's speech was described as “extremely slow and slurred, mumbled, confused,” while his attitude was “cooperative” but “confused.”

Woods has suffered a staggering fall from grace since his peak 

Woods was asked to walk along a white line and turn around but could not maintain the starting position. He missed the heel to toe every time and repeatedly strayed from the line, even while using his arms for balance. Even when the instructions were re-explained, Woods could not complete the task and had to stop to steady himself.

When asked to stand on one leg, Woods could not maintain his starting position or raise his foot six inches, being forced to place it on the ground several times for stability.

After being asked to say the alphabet backwards, Woods thought he was supposed to recite the national anthem backwards, but after several attempts to explain the correct task to him he completed it successfully.

Woods also struggled when asked to touch his nose with his finger, and failed to return his arms to his side as instructed.

For his part, Woods released a statement on Monday night apologising and insisting there was no alcohol involved. The police report records him as a 0.0 on the breathalyser test.

Former world No 1 Tiger Woods is currently not playing due to a back problem 

"I want the public to know that alcohol was not involved. What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn't realise the mix of medications had affected me so strongly."

He added: "I would like to apologise with all my heart to my family, friends and the fans. I expect more from myself, too. I will do everything in my power to ensure this never happens again.

"I fully co-operated with law enforcement, and I would like to personally thank the representatives of the Jupiter Police Department and the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office for their professionalism."


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