Sunderland manager Steve Bruce has confirmed his club are in talks with Manchester City striker Benjani Mwaruwari's representatives with a view to a permanent move to Wearside.

Bruce revealed his interest in the Zimbabwean forward today but admitted the deal was a long way from being sealed.

Benjani moved to City from Portsmouth in the nick of time at the end of the January 2008 transfer window.

His opportunities have been limited at Eastlands however and he has started just 21 league games in just under two years with the Manchester club.

Bruce said: "We have entered into discussions with his representatives about the player.

"We have just looked at the situation and we feel we are juggling the balls in the air a little bit and you are just hoping the squad is big enough and strong enough.

"With the injuries we have, we are worried we are a little bit light in that area, and we have decided that we will try to make a move."

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