Fulham and Newcastle 'target' Douglas 'wants to remain at FC Twente'


FC Twente's Douglas is happy playing his football in Holland and is not
looking for a move to England, according to his management group.

The 24-year-old Brazil-born defender's name has been linked with a number of Premier League clubs over the summer, in particular Fulham and Newcastle.

However, speaking to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf this morning, Rodrigo da Silveira from MP9 Sports has denied talk of a move to Fulham or anywhere else.

"We are not in London and won't go to London. We are with Douglas in Enschede and are not negotiating with Fulham," he said.

"On Thursday Douglas will play against Bursaspor. Douglas is very happy at FC Twente and wanted to remain there this season."

Douglas joined Twente from Brazilian club Joinville in 2007 and last year received his Dutch passport in a bid to break in to his adopted country's national team.


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