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Kim Sengupta: Afghanistan is the only game in town

Soldiers from the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh wait for a Chinook helicopter to land during a training exercise ahead of their deployment to Afghanistan

Soldiers from the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh wait for a Chinook helicopter to land during a training exercise ahead of their deployment to Afghanistan

In a recent speech titled “ Beyond Afghanistan” the head of the Royal Navy, Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope, vociferously argued that defence strategy should not become too Afghancentric. Britain, said the First Sea Lord, would face other challenges and this would need the nation keeping all its options open on weaponry.

The “reprioritizing” announced by Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth today showed however, that, in reality, Afghanistan is the only game in town. The measures announced were almost entirely focused on the needs of that particular campaign with the implicit acceptance that future conflicts are likely to be similar counter-insurgency operations.

In broad terms the government is addressing the pressing needs of the Afghan war, in particular the relentless toll from roadside bombs and mines which have been responsible for 85 per cent of recent British and allied casualties. Twenty-two extra Chinook helicopters would allow much more movement by air rather than the increasingly vulnerable road convoys. Around £ 160 million will also be spent on counter-IED (improvised explosive devices) equipment and training is designed towards the same end.

None of this comes free and with no extra funding available others would have to bear the £ 900 million cost. In the immediate period it is not Admiral Stanhope’s Navy but the strike wing of the RAF who will be the most to suffer with the Harrier jets phases out of service earlier than the planned date of 2018, the Tornado fighter jet force based at RAF Lossiemouth, in Moray, and RAF Marham in Norfolk expected also expected to lose one squadron and cutbacks due at RAF Kinloss. There will also be job losses due to these and other measures affecting both civilian and military staff.

However, although the Navy has not been too adversely affected in this particular round of restructuring the writing appears to be on the wall that the senior service, too, will have to make sacrifices at the next round with the two new aircraft carriers looking particularly vulnerable.

The Army, which has been doing the vast bulk of the fighting in Afghanistan had felt short changed in the defence budget. However, most of the funding from the Urgent Operational Requirements (UORs) have been spent on equipment such as armoured vehicles and the forthcoming Strategic Defence Review is likely to see more money heading in their direction.

Today’s announcement does not provide immediate answer to the problems of Afghanistan. The extra helicopters are not due to be ready until 2012/13, at a time, according to ministers, when British troops should be in a position to start withdrawing from the conflict with Afghan security forces taking over.

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Surprised....Not Really!
[info]jim2509 wrote:
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 05:29 pm (UTC)
Do We honestly, if we ask ourselves deep down expect this goverment to do the right thing in regards to national defence and campaigns abroad after the complete shambles they made in the Iraq War & now Afghanistan. They have been told time & time again by the Military that if you want to go to War you better damn well be 100% committed from the START. That means sparing NO expense in the planning stages all the way through to the end...which they clearly have not done, all pretty sickening when you compare the bravery of our Armed Forces in battle with the pathetic efforts of goverment officials. I dare say these cuts and delays will no doubt come back & bite us in the Arse in the future.
Re: Surprised....Not Really!
[info]macdroogie wrote:
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 07:43 pm (UTC)
The bravery of the braindead oiks sent to conquer Afghanistan is immaterial.
So is 100% focus, effort, dead on both sides and most everything else.
If the government had any grasp of reality and morality, we would not be occupying that country in the first place in order to support destruction and corruption.
Get real!
Or go down the bookies and bet your house on a British victory in the next ten years.
Re: Surprised....Not Really!
[info]qwerty386 wrote:
Wednesday, 16 December 2009 at 03:59 am (UTC)
Shame on you. Those "braindead oiks" as you so eloquently put it are displaying more courage and moral fiber every day than i would hazard you have managed in a lifetime. Oh and they are fighting for your right to have your say and insult them here.
100% focus
[info]oldgrayone wrote:
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 07:32 pm (UTC)
We are fighting.
Those that we are fighting are dedicating all of their resources to frustrate/defeat us.
If we believe we have achievable objectives then there is only one option - focus 100% of our deployable resources on those objectives.
Re: 100% focus
[info]sameth99200 wrote:
Tuesday, 15 December 2009 at 09:38 pm (UTC)
But what objectives would they be? No one seems to know.

The simple fact of this matter is that since NATO has lost support of the tribes in Afghanistan, they have lost this conflict. After 8 years they cant win any more 'hearts and minds' only lose them. Supporting a corrupt regime is only exacerbating the matter and losing even more support from the Afghan people.

The only reasonable explanation of our presence is because of US pressure. The US are remaining there now out of principle, and don't want to look weak to China and the other big boys.

The ironic end result is that the US will waste billions of money it can ill afford on this conflict, resulting in its foreign influence weakening as China's grows stronger. It would actually be quite amusing if we weren't being used by the US and our gutless government as a vassal state and being dragged down with them.

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