Oscars 2015: Best gaffes of past years from Jennifer Lawrence falling over to Adele Dazeem

Take a look back at some of the funniest moments from ceremonies gone by

Jess Denham
Friday 20 February 2015 17:47
Jennifer Lawrence falls over en route to collect her Best Actress Oscar in 2013
Jennifer Lawrence falls over en route to collect her Best Actress Oscar in 2013

It's almost Oscars time again and as such, the moment has come to look back at some of the funniest gaffes in the history of the star-studded ceremony.

As Hollywood's finest prepare for their night of merriment, the rest of us can take pleasure in remembering that it's not always alright on the night for the rich and famous either.

From Jennifer Lawrence falling over (twice) to the wrong Frank rushing to collect a Best Director gong back in 1935, these Academy Awards moments are memorable for all the wrong (but oh so right) reasons.

'Adele Dazeem'. That is all (2014)

John Travolta will be back presenting an Oscar on Sunday, somehow, after introducing Frozen's Idina Menzel as Adele Dazeem last year. Perhaps it's time we all "Let It Go", but it's just too funny...

Anne Hathaway goes into hyperdrive as host (2011)

Anne Hathaway and James Franco host the Oscars

Deadpan James Franco and overcompensating Anne Hathaway were arguably the most mismatched Oscars hosts ever. They were so dire that Hathaway has offered 2015 host Neil Patrick Harris some simple words of wisdom: "Do the opposite of what I did and you'll be fine".

Jennifer Lawrence trips en route to the podium (2013)

Jennifer Lawrence falls over en route to collect her Best Actress Oscar

Poor J-Law. She'd just won her first Oscar for Best Actress in Silver Linings Playbook and before she knew it, boom, she'd tripped in front of millions. Her dress was stunning though - as was her save when she finally reached the stage. "You guys are just standing up because you feel bad that I feel and that's really embarrassing but thank you," she said, to rapturous applause.

Falling over again on the red carpet last year was less endearing.

Liza Minelli has a selfie-themed shocker (2014)

Liza Minella did not have a great time at last year's Oscars

She was called a drag queen by host Ellen DeGeneres and later tragically pictured trying and failing to take part in the mass celebrity selfie. Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey just would not get out of the way, you see? It was all very stressful.

Frank Capra thinks he's won when he hasn't (1934)

One of the all-time classics. Will Rogers announced the Best Director winner by saying: !"Come up and get it, Frank". He meant Frank Lloyd, but Frank Capra also rushed to the stage, only to make the 'longest, saddest, most shattering walk" back to his seat. He won three Oscars afterwards.

Gwyneth Paltrow sobs through her speech (1998)

Gwyneth Paltrow accepts her Best Actress Oscar

Gwynny won Best Actress for Shakespeare in Love and really broke down towards the end of her acceptance speech. She began talking about the 'magnitude of love' she felt for her family, thanking everyone including an 'earthly guardian angel' relative, but was upstaged three years later when...

Halle Berry physically cannot stop crying (2001)

Halle Berry wins an Oscar for Monster's Ball

She became the first African American to a Best Actress Oscar for Monster's Ball and was so moved that she sobbed uncontrollably with her mouth wide open for five minutes, pointing at her loved ones in the audience.

Laurence Olivier forgets to list the nominees (1985)

Laurence Olivier presenting the Oscar for Best Picture

Sir Laurence Olivier - usually a master of timing - forgot to list the names of the Best Picture nominees. Instead, he tore open the envelope and shout "Amadeus!" before anyone could stop him.

Sally Field's gushing makes everybody cringe (1985)

Sally Field's gushing speech is an example of what not to do

Sally Field's gushing "You like me! Right now! You really like me!" acceptance speech for Places In the Heart came out between guttural breaths as she suppressed tears. Not her finest moment.

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