Third Senator tests positive for Covid-19

Both politicians are fully vaccinated and recovering at home

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Thursday 19 August 2021 21:04
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Three United States senators have confirmed they have tested positive for Covid-19.

Senator Angus King, an Independent from Maine, tested positive for the virus in his home state, his office announced.

The news came hours after Senator Roger Wicker, a Republican from Mississippi, also announced he had tested positive.

And the third to make public their positive test was John Hickenlooper, a Democrat from Colorado.

Senator King’s office said that he had taken a Covid test after he started to feel unwell on Wednesday and the politician added that despite taking precautions and being vaccinated it had come back positive.

“Despite all my efforts, when I began feeling mildly feverish yesterday, I took a test this morning at my doctor’s suggestion, and it came back positive,” he said.

“While I am not feeling great, I’m definitely feeling much better than I would have without the vaccine.

“I am taking this diagnosis very seriously, quarantining myself at home and telling the few people I’ve been in contact with to get tested in order to limit any further spread,” Mr King said.

And he added that he will provide updates on his health and asked people to follow the latest guidance from health officials.

“While Maine people and Americans are ready to move past Covid-19 and return to our normal routines, the virus is not done with us yet. We must all continue to look out for one another through our words and actions, and remain united against this dangerous disease,” he added.

Senator Wicker’s communications director Phillip Waller confirmed that the politician was also fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

“Senator Wicker tested positive this morning for the Covid-19 virus after immediately seeking a test due to mild symptoms,” he said.

“Senator Wicker is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, is in good health, and is being treated by his Tupelo-based physician. He is isolating, and everyone with whom Senator Wicker has come in close contact recently has been notified.”

Mr Hickenlooper was first elected to the Senate in November after serving as governor of Colorado for eight years.

“After experiencing mild symptoms, I tested positive for a breakthrough case of Covid-19,” he said in a statement.

“I’m feeling much better and will continue to isolate at the direction of the congressional attending physician.

“I’m grateful for the vaccine (and the scientists behind it) for limiting my symptoms and allowing us to continue our work for Colorado. If you haven’t been vaccinated, don’t wait for the virus — get the shot today, and a booster when it’s available too.”

The United States has seen 37.3m cases of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, and more than 624,000 deaths.

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