
Afghans face economic turmoil if west fails again

After making a mess of the military management of Afghanistan, the west must make sure it prevents the economy returning to the medieval age – or reverting to the narcotics trade, writes Phil Thornton

Friday 03 September 2021 11:33
<p>Afghans queue to collect money from an ATM in front of a bank in Kabul after the Taliban takeover</p>

Afghans queue to collect money from an ATM in front of a bank in Kabul after the Taliban takeover

Amid the chaos, crisis and calamity in Afghanistan, it may seem too early to think about the economics of the benighted country. But history tells us it is never too soon.

While the political debate is still rightly focused on the failure of intelligence, the abandonment of Afghan friends and allies, and the failure to establish a Nato or UN force, policymakers must look forward rather than back.

At some point, both the international financial watchdogs and the western powers will have to start thinking of Afghanistan’s economic outlook under the control of the Taliban.

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