<p>Hermès dog bowl</p>

Hermès dog bowl

Hermès wants you to spend £960 on its first ever dog bowl

It is the latest addition to the French designer’s collection of pet accessories

Saman Javed
Monday 23 August 2021 10:58

When it comes to man’s best friend, we’re mostly concerned about getting them fed, their walking schedule and pretending we don’t know they are on the sofa.

But it might be time to let your dog enjoy the finer things in life. Like eating their dinner from a dog bowl made by the world’s most famous luxury goods maker.

For the first time, French designer Hermès has released a luxury dog bowl crafted from oak wood and stainless steel which has been assembled using a traditional barrel-making technique.

The design of the bowl was inspired by the brand’s Chaine d’Ancre, featuring two different compartments that are attached by a central magnet. This also means the bowls can be separated into two when your pup has a friend over.

As with all Hermès products, the luxe dog bowl comes with a price to match, retailing for £960. To put this into perspective, the average person in the UK takes home £1,950 a month.

While the bowl has quickly sold out, Hermès said an online restock will be coming soon but did not confirm when.

The release is the latest addition to the designer’s collection of pet accessories for both dogs and horses.

Other items in the collection include leather dog leads, waterproof saddles and even a noise-reducing ear cover for horses.

The Hermès new release coincides with a huge increase in dog ownership in the UK throughout the pandemic.

According to data collected by the Pet Food Manufacturers’ Association, 2.1 million people adopted a new pet during the last year, with dogs and cats being the most popular.

The increase was largely driven by people aged between 16 and 34, who made up 59 per cent of new owners. Of these, 74 per cent said their pet had helped their mental health through the pandemic after lockdown limited social interaction.

The Hermès bowl will be available to buy here soon.

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