We cannot abandon our responsibilities to the Afghan people

Editorial: Afghan journalists and media workers should be given sanctuary along with those who worked with the British military

Friday 06 August 2021 21:30
<p>Afghan security officials inspect the scene of the assassination of Dawa Khan Menapal in Kabul</p>

Afghan security officials inspect the scene of the assassination of Dawa Khan Menapal in Kabul

A day after The Independent joined other British media organisations to warn the prime minister and the foreign secretary that Afghan journalists were in danger, we are saddened to report the assassination of Dawa Khan Menapal, the head of the Kabul government’s media department.

The killing confirms the urgency of our plea to the UK government to follow the example of US president Joe Biden, who has given Afghan journalists and media staff with US links the right to seek refuge in America.

The British government has rightly acknowledged that this country owes “a huge debt of gratitude” to local interpreters and other staff who worked alongside UK troops in Afghanistan. But the offer of sanctuary is open only to Afghans who worked with the British military, and media workers are not currently able to apply.

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