Inside Politics: Boris Johnson mulls response to Priti Patel inquiry

Reports suggest home secretary will remain in post, but be issued with a written warning, writes Ashley Cowburn

Friday 20 November 2020 09:46

previously unpublished set of essays exploring Middle-earth by the author JRR Tolkien are expected to be released next summer, potentially answering long debated points among super-fans, including the nature of elves’ immortality. Away from the fictional world in which the late author’s Lord of the Rings trilogy is set, people in Westminster are also debating another unpublished work: the Cabinet Office investigation into bullying allegations against Priti Patel. Reports overnight suggest she (again) broke the ministerial code but many expect her to remain in the cabinet with a written warning. Not quite the tough law and order the home secretary advocates.

Inside the bubble

Our policy correspondent Jon Stone on what to look out for today:


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