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Families 'struggling to repay debts'

By Nicky Burridge

Job losses and falling incomes look set to leave rising numbers of households unable to repay their debts, the Consumer Credit Counselling Service warns in a report today.

The CCCS said many families were struggling in the face of falling or stagnating incomes and rising living costs, while in the worst cases people risked losing their jobs.

The charity warned that families were the most vulnerable, with people who had two children having an average of just £62 a month left to repay debts after meeting all of their essential outgoings.

  • If the UK is anything like the USA, and I believe it is, buyers have overextended themselves buying unnecessary items. Electric can openers? How many cans do you open everyday and couldn't you really use the exercise? Well, I think you get the idea.
  • Rev_Sigbott_Phipp
    It's nice to see that this wonderful government is managing the economic recovery in such a way as to take care of families and children.
  • did people not think they would have to pay their debts off?

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