Mikel Arteta heaps praise on Arsenal captain Aubameyang after FA Cup final win

Kia Joorabchian takes shot at Sven Mislintat for transfer ‘c***-ups’ at Arsenal

The Iranian super agent is in the process of finalising a deal to take Willian to the Emirates

Jack Rathborn@JackRathborn
Thursday 13 August 2020 13:21

Kia Joorabchian has taken a shot at former Arsenal director of football Sven Mislintat for making a number of “cock-ups” while in charge of transfers at the Emirates.

The super agent has had an increasing influence on the Gunners’s approach in the market.

With Willian poised to join from London rivals Chelsea on a free transfer, Joorabchian looks to impose himself on Mikel Arteta’s squad.

But the outspoken agent could not resist a shot at Arsenal’s former sporting director Mislintat, who left the club in February 2019.

“People forget about the previous guy, Sven,” Joorabchian told Talk Sport.

“He made a bunch of, I don’t like to use the word, but, c***-ups with players he brought in at very, very large numbers.”

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was one hit under Mislintat's 14-month reign, though there has been varying degrees of success with the majority of his other deals.

Among those are Henrikh Mkhitaryan, Sokratis Papastathopoulos, Lucas Torreira, Bernd Leno and Matteo Guendouzi.

Kia Joorabchian has taken aim at Sven Mislintat

With Chelsea unable to commit to a three-year extension for Willian, the Brazilian’s future is all but certain to remain in London, but just like compatriot David Luiz in red.

And Joorabchian insists there will confirmation soon about his next club

“It won’t be long before we announce it,” he added. “We know where he is going.”


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