Drunk man drives car through Russian airport terminal

Footage shows car plough into terminal and drive around as people jump out of the way and police desperately try to stop it

May Bulman
Friday 23 December 2016 16:01
Man drives car through Russian airport terminal

A man has driven a car through the doors of a Russian airport terminal and driven around the premises as officers desperately attempted to stop him.

CCTV footage shows a grey car ploughing through snow and into the doors of the Kazan International Airport terminal, taking several attempts to crash its way through, while policemen try to open the car doors.

Separate CCTV footage from inside the airport then shows the driver, who was reportedly intoxicated at the time, proceed to drive through the building as police continue to chase it and shocked members of the public dodge its path.

Finally the vehicle smashes through another door to exit the airport terminal, at which point it stops and officers are able to open the driver door. The footage then cuts off.

Following the incident, Kazan Airport tweeted that no one was injured, but RT.com reports that some officers were hurt.

A water pipe in the terminal was reportedly broken, causing a flood in the building, of which the total damage was estimated to be around $100,000 (£81,600).

The driver was sentenced to 15 days in jail and two more criminal cases were opened against him for allegedly endangering the lives of officers and intentionally destroying property, RT.com reported.

Despite the gravity of the crime, some have appeared to view the incident as comical, adding music behind the video and sharing it on social media.

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