Liverpool news: Jordan Henderson delighted with Reds' defensive resolve

The Reds' 1-0 victory over Everton on Monday night was the first time in 2016 Jurgen Klopp's side had won a league match by such a score and their second clean sheet on the trot

Carl Markham
Friday 23 December 2016 13:14
Henderson is happy his side are tightening up as a unit
Henderson is happy his side are tightening up as a unit

Captain Jordan Henderson believes Liverpool have discovered a resilience which will help them as they seek to overhaul Premier League leaders Chelsea.

Rarely are 1-0 victories celebrated as wildly, but Sadio Mane's added time winner in the Merseyside derby was viewed as crucial in the developing title race as it kept Chelsea within six points.

It was the first time in 2016 Jurgen Klopp's side had won a league match by that score and with the previous 3-0 victory at Middlesbrough making it back-to-back clean sheets there is a suggestion the Reds have become a tighter unit.

"It was a big plus for us. We are very pleased with keeping a clean sheet and also in the last game as well," said Henderson.

"We have looked solid in the last couple of games, which is pleasing.

"As long as you win that is the main thing. We are very pleased with how we have won coming to Goodison and dominating, especially in the second half, defending solidly as a team, winning the ball back quickly and keeping a clean sheet, that's important."

With Liverpool's next match not until December 27 they face three games in six days, including less than 48 hours between Manchester City on New Year's Eve and Sunderland on January 2.

That will give their rivals a chance to steal a march on them but Henderson insists the festive fixture schedule is irrelevant compared with the bigger picture.

"I know people say it's Christmas and there are a lot of games but there are the same amount of games come the end of the season so it doesn't make a difference," he added.

"The aim is to keep performing and winning games. It is important, it doesn't matter what time of year it is.

"We've always aimed to do that as every game we go into we want to get three points because we feel we are a good team who are good enough to beat anyone.

"We take each game as it comes: three points is the aim and we'll see where we are at the end of the season."



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