Pool D

Census Johnston says Samoa must "Smash Fiji up front" if they want to win tomorrow's Pool D match against Fiji. Samoa must beat their fellow South Sea Islanders or be left facing an early exit after last weekend's loss to Wales in Hamilton.

Fiji are in an identical position – they play Wales on Sunday week – knowing victory would keep them in quarter-final contention. "With the backs the Fijians have, you have to smash them up front," former Saracens prop Johnston said. "That is my job, that's what I need to do. The Fijians are not a small pack."

Injured D'Apice flies home as Italy call Sbaraglini

Pool C

The Italy hooker Tommaso D'Apice has been ruled out of the World Cup after injuring knee ligaments and is to be replaced by Franco Sbaraglini, organisers said yesterday. D'Apice was injured during the Italians' 53-17 victory over Russia on Tuesday and will be unable to return to training for at least three weeks.

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