The Hateful Eight trailer: Teaser for Quentin Tarantino film leaks early

Joe Gage "The Cow Puncher" is among the characters

Tarantino isn't having much luck with leaks
Tarantino isn't having much luck with leaks

Cinemagoers watching Sin City 2 have been treated to a teaser trailer for Quentin Tarantino's resurrected film The Hateful Eight, with one audience member with a flagrant disregard for the no cameras rule uploading a video of it to YouTube.

This is the film you may remember Tarantino originally ditched during a massive sulk he threw over its script leaking.

It hasn't even started production yet, so the teaser doesn't offer up any actual footage but it is mostly taken up with listing the Hateful Eight, which includes the rather excellently named Joe Gage "The Cow Puncher".

The film centres on bounty hunter and his prisoner traveling by stagecoach to a town called Red Rock who get stuck in a blizzard and meet other travellers along the way in need of a lift.

Side-tracked by the blizzard, they stop at a nearby haberdashery to take shelter until the storm passes. While holed up there, 'coincidences stop looking like coincidences, enemies become allies, secrets escape, and lots of living things get dead'.

The Hateful Eight, as per the trailer, are as follows:

Major Marquis Warren "The Bounty Hunter"

John Ruth "The Hangman"

Daisy Domergue "The Prisoner"

Chris Mannix "The Sheriff"

Bob "The Mexican"

Oswaldo Mobray "The Little Man"

Joe Gage "The Cow Puncher"

General Sandy Smithers "The Confederate"

Kurt Russell, Bruce Dern, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Madsen and Walton Goggins are expected to star, while Jennifer Lawrence is also rumoured to be in talks.

The Hateful Eight is headed for a December 2015 release date.


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