Water Wars

Ticking time bomb: The water crisis which threatens chances for peace in the Middle East

Climate change and crumbling infrastructure are causing water shortages in Gaza, which could soon make the enclave uninhabitable, Bel Trew reports in the fifth part of her series, Water Wars

Sunday 20 January 2019 18:57
A woman draws water from a well in the Bedouin encampment of Susya – in the background is the Israeli settlement of Susya (Photo: Ben Toren)
A woman draws water from a well in the Bedouin encampment of Susya – in the background is the Israeli settlement of Susya (Photo: Ben Toren)

She had no idea that a quick trip to the beach, brief respite from the intensity of the Gaza summer, would end at the morgue.

Her children, irritated by the thickening heat, had been playing up all day and Noha Sais, 27, a mother-of-five, had lost her patience.

Over the last two summers, Gazans have only had just over four hours of electricity a day to power fans and cut through the punishing 40-degree heat.

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