My Champion of Champions: Annabel Croft, former Wimbledon champion and TV presenter, on Roger Federer

Saturday 22 February 2014 05:14

Annabel Croft Won the Wimbledon and Australian girls' titles in 1984 and is now a TV presenter

My champion of champions is Roger Federer. It has to be. It's the way he conducts himself around the circuit, as well as his tennis, which makes me feel that way. He is a hugely impressive individual in and for the game.

He shows such grace and dignity around the place, is a fine spokesman for the men's game and that is why there was not an individual in the men's locker room who did not want him to win in Paris.

I know the arguments about the others but Federer has overcome the toughest competition to achieve the pinnacle he has reached and to put himself in the position where he can go on to surpass Pete Sampras's record number of titles. For me, Federer is the champion of champions by a distance.

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