I’m Up: Young Thug drops new album? Mixtape? I don’t know anymore

You can buy it on iTunes or stream it for free

The world’s most prolific rapper Young Thug has released I’m Up, nine tracks previously going under the name Slime Season 3.

The internet seems confused as to whether it’s an album or a mixtape (Thugger seems to be saying the latter), but by this point they’re pretty much the same thing.

Available for $6.99 on iTunes but also completely free to stream on Soundcloud (below) and Spotify for subscribers the release strategy is a little confusing/messy, and the album originally went out with incorrect artwork though this has now been fixed.


Boosie tribute "F Cancer (Boosie)” kicks off I’m Up, with features coming from Migos’ Quavo and Lil Durk.

Track listing in full:

01 F Cancer (Boosie) [ft. Quavo]

02 My Boys [ft. Trouble, Ralo and Lil Durk]

03 For My People [ft. Duke]

04 King TROUP

05 Ridin [ft. Lil Durk]

06 Hercules

07 Special [ft. Offset and Solo Lucci]

08 Bread Winners [ft. Young Butta]

09 Family [ft. Dora and Dolly]


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