Jimmy Savile: a ‘predator’ of young girls


An ITV documentary to be aired Wednesday tells the stories of five women who allege Jimmy Savile abused them when the Jim'll Fix It star was at the height of his fame. The Mirror has details.

"Val - Who met Sir Jimmy at the BBC in 1969 when she was 15

I think people need to know that there was another side to him and it was quite a dark side. He was a predator really, a predator on young girls.

The first time something happened he actually got me into an alcove in the dressing room and he pushed me back against the wall and then it was a hand up the skirt and touching me."

Another 15 year-old claims he forced her into sex on several occasions. "It was just basically what he wanted - in and out and that was it.

And afterwards it was as though nothing had happened."

Roger Foster, Savile's nephew, said he was "disgusted" at the allegations and worried they "could affect [Savile's] legacy, his charity work, everything".
