Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg casually buys chunk of Hawaii island for $100m

Part of Mr Zuckerberg's purchase reportedly included the Kahu’aina Plantation (pictured) on the island of Kauai

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The Independent Online

In a case of ‘If we had the money we would, too’, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly bought a sliver of Hawaii.

Overall, billionaire Zuckerberg acquired 700-acres of North Shore on the island of Kauai for a cool $100million (£62million) at least, Forbes reports.

This could actually be considered a bargain when, all things considered, the amount of pleasure to be had on your own secluded beach is inordinately bigger than in an apartment overlooking London’s Hyde Park, one of which is going for £65million.

The purchases were reportedly in two lumps and consisted of roughly 350 acres of Pila’a Beach in addition to the 357-acre former sugarcane plantation of Kahu’aina, which is adjacent to the former.


A brochure for the Kahu’aina Plantation shows that it is at the northernmost point of the island and boasts 2,500ft of white sandy beach, a “habitat for abundant wildlife” and has been featured in Hollywood films Jurassic Park and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Real estate contact Keith Ogden declined to comment when asked by The Independent to confirm that Mr Zuckerberg had acquired the plantation.

The brochure adds: “The property’s lush environment includes a 27-acre agricultural easement consisting of permanent crops such as palm trees and a wide variety of organic crops including ginger, turmeric and papaya.”

In 2012 software maker Larry Ellison, the cofounder of Oracle Corporation, bought Hawaii’s sixth-largest island of Lanai for between $500million and $600million.

Mark Zuckerberg's representatives told The Independent: "We don’t comment on rumour or speculation."
