The West Bromwich Albion manager Tony Mowbray has revealed he will use loan signing Juan Carlos Menseguez as an impact player from the bench in the coming weeks. The 25-year-old Argentine midfielder made his debut as a late substitute in the 2-0 Premier League defeat by Fulham at Craven Cottage at the weekend.

But Mowbray is questioning whether he has the resilience needed to command a place in the strugglers' starting line-up – particularly away from home. Mowbray said: "To get him on the pitch was good. Whether he's ready physically to make the impact, we will see if he gets the opportunity.

"Injuries, and the way the game is going, will determine whether he gets game-time but I don't see him, in our current plight, starting every week for us. He's here to make an impact and if he can then fine – but let's wait and see.

"People may not know what to expect but when you set a team up I would suggest I can only see him being someone who can make an impact off the bench. I think he is more than capable of giving us pieces of magic by going past people with clever footwork. But is he the type of player who, when we go away from home, can be resolute and resilient? It may be difficult to find him a place in the team."

Filipe Teixeira has told Mowbray he is prepared to play through the pain barrier to help in the battle to stay in the Premier League.

The Portuguese midfielder is willing to defy a fractured toe to play in Saturday's league meeting with Everton at Goodison Park. Teixeira suffered the setback during the reversal at Fulham and has been unable to train so far this week. But he has indicated to Mowbray that he wants to remain part of his plans.

Mowbray said: "We will wait and see if he trains. He's got a fractured toe and sometimes you don't know how they will go. It's not like he's got a sore thigh.

"He's broken a toe but he's still anxious to be involved. That will basically depend on how much pain he has and whether he can get his boot on."

Mowbray will resist the temptation to rush his captain Jonathan Greening back into first-team action and risk sidelining him for the remainder of the season.

Greening has resumed light training after suffering a knee ligament setback in the FA Cup fourth round tie against Burnley on 24 January – the first major injury of his lengthy career.

Mowbray said: "I think we've got to make sure 'Jonno' doesn't come back too early and then ends up missing another six weeks because the season would be virtually over then."

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