Ebbot Lundberg & The Indigo Children unveil trippy video for 'To Be Continued' - premiere

Roisin O'Connor@Roisin_OConnor
Thursday 03 November 2016 10:54

Ebbot Lundberg & The Indigo Children release new album For The Ages To Come in the UK on 2 December,

The first full solo relaese of the former Soundtrack Of Our Lives (SOOL) frontman was self-produced and recorded with the Grammy-nominated Indigo Children last year in his native Gothenburg.

"This represents where I am, and where I am going. It is the first album, but certainly not the last," Lundberg says of the album.

We're premiering the trippy video for 'To Be Continued' off the upcoming album, watch below:

Q&A with Ebbot Lundberg

What are you listening to at the moment?

I´m trying to listen to Mother Earth basically. But apart from that I´m listening to “Alas Salvation” by Yak. These guys are amazing live.

I´m also grooving to a new talent called Sofia Palm. An artist I am recording and producing at the moment.

What are your plans for 2017

To Survive. And to finish my second album with the Indigo Children. And also to promote the Five Billion In Diamonds debut album which is probably coming out next spring.

So I guess there will be some touring around the globe as well, If Mother Earth allows.

What was the first gig you ever played and what’s been the best so far?

The first show I did was at a Yamaha syntherseizer festival when I was 10-years-old. An event I´m trying to forget. Though I was the only one there who did compose my own material.

The best gig was probably the last show I did with The Indigo Children in Vienna about two weeks ago.

Ebbot Lundberg & The Indigo Children tour the following dates

01/12 (DE) Bielefeld Forum

02/12 (DE) Hamburg, Molotow/Skybar

03/12 (NL) Nijmegen, Marleyn, Doornrossje

04/12 (UK) London, Upstairs at the Garage


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