Steven Seagal granted Russian citizenship by Vladimir Putin

Heather Saul@heatheranne9
Thursday 03 November 2016 12:34
Seagal pictured with Vladimir Putin at a Moscow martial arts school last year
Seagal pictured with Vladimir Putin at a Moscow martial arts school last year

The enduring bromance between Steven Seagal and the Russian President Vladimir Putin has been sealed after the American actor was granted Russian citizenship.

The decree is published on the Kremlin’s website and was confirmed by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who told Reuters Seagal has repeatedly requested Russian citizenship. He said the 64-year-old has “warm feelings towards Russia”.

Seagal had expressed his hopes for being granted Russian citizenship at a film festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, according to The Moscow Times.

He joins the French actor Gerard Depardieu, who was made a Russian citizen in July 2013.


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