Brexit: Majority of UK now wants to stay in EU, poll finds

Research suggests voters' views on EU membership have changed since the June referendum, with Remain now having majority support by the narrowest of margins

Siobhan Fenton
Social Affairs Correspondent
Thursday 03 November 2016 17:14 GMT

A majority of voters now want the UK to remain in the EU, a poll has suggested.

Remaining is now backed by an extremely slim majority of 51 per cent, versus 49 per cent who wish to leave the EU.

This suggests a small number of voters have changed their views since the UK voted to leave the EU by a margin of 52-48 on 23 June.

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The research, conducted by BMG Research, found the main swell of support came from people who did not vote in the referendum over the summer. Of those who didn't vote in June, 46 per cent said they now would in order to back EU membership, while 27 per cent said they would in order to vote to leave.

Following the referendum result, reports emerged of people who claimed to regret casting their ballot for Brexit, who came to be known as 'Bregret' voters.

The news follows a landmark judgment today in the High Court that the Government cannot trigger Article 50 without consulting parliament first. A lawyer for the challengers bringing the case told The Independent he expects this could delay Brexit. He said: "This is a resounding defence of our parliamentary democracy from our unanimous court.

"It certainly means the Government will need to prepare proper proposals, put those to Parliament and have them debated. They won't be able to move as swiftly as they might hve liked. It will have to move in a democratic manner."

10 Downing Street has insisted Prime Minister Theresa May's plans to trigger Article 50 by March will not be affected by the ruling.

The Government is now appealing the case, with the contest expected to be heard in December. The Independent understands the Supreme Court is due to hear the case on 7 and 8 December.

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