Harry Brant: Stephanie Seymour's son arrested after refusing to pay $28 cab fare

20-year-old charged with theft, resisting arrest and drug possession after police find bag of white powder in his pocket

Caroline Mortimer@cjmortimer
Tuesday 02 August 2016 09:46
Harry Brant attempted to flee from officers and was found with a bag of drugs
Harry Brant attempted to flee from officers and was found with a bag of drugs

A billionaire’s son has been arrested for refusing to pay a $28 taxi fare.

Harry Brant, the son of paper tycoon Peter Brant and former supermodel Stephanie Seymour, was arrested in Greenwich, Connecticut, after telling a taxi driver he did not have the money to pay the $27.85 (£21.11) fare before attempting to flee.

Local police were called and described Brant as “sweating profusely and pale in colour” when they caught up with him.

The 20-year-old initially denied being in the taxi but eventually changed his story and admitted he had taken one to Greenwich from nearby Stanford, but could not afford to pay the driver.

When he was told to put his hands behind his head, he began to scream “No! No!” and attempted to flee from police, the Greenwich Times reported.

The official police report said: “Officers were able to grab ahold of Brant and take him to the ground.

“Brant continued to resist officers’ attempts to place him under arrest by tensing his muscles while swinging his arms and kicking his legs. Officers were finally able to place him in handcuffs.”

After he was searched, police say they found a small bag of drugs in his pocket.

He was not carrying an ID and refused to give his real name but an officer recognised him.

The socialite has been charged with larceny, resisting arrest and drug possession.

Brant and his older brother, Peter, are well known on social media as trendsetters and models.

Peter Brant was arrested in March for allegedly assaulting a police officer at JFK airport in New York after he was not allowed on board a flight to Florida.

Harry Brant has been released on bail until his court hearing on 4 August.