Inter president furious over Juventus racism

Sunday 23 March 2014 04:04

Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti said he would have pulled his team off the field if he had been present at Saturday's 1-1 draw at Juventus, where striker Mario Balotelli was racially abused by home fans.

The 18-year-old scored Inter's opener in the top-of-the-table clash and was subjected to racist chants questioning his nationality.

Balotelli, an Italy under-21 international, was born in Palermo but is of Ghanaian descent.

"If I had been at the stadium, at a certain point I would have left my seat in the stand, I would have gone onto the pitch and I would have pulled the team off," Moratti told Monday's Gazzetta dello Sport.

"They seemed proud and happy to sing those things. This is terrible."

Juventus will find out on Tuesday if they face sanctions from the league. Racist abuse is not uncommon in Italian soccer and small fines are usually handed out.

Juve president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli apologised on Sunday and said Serie A had to end the culture of racism among fans.

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