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Pope 'admits error' in Holocaust row

Associated Press

Pope Benedict XVI has acknowledged Vatican mistakes over a Holocaust-denying bishop and his efforts to reach out to ultraconservatives, saying in a highly unusual critical review that he was saddened that even Catholics attacked him with open hostility.

The Pope made a personal analysis of the case in a letter to the world's Catholic bishops made public by the Vatican today, seeking to end one of the most serious crises of his nearly four-year papacy.

He said failure to detect the bishop's background by simply consulting the internet was an "unforeseen mishap" that caused tensions between Christians and Jews and raised questions about his own interest in friendship between the two religions.

He said he is saddened that even Catholics who should know better "thought they had to attack me with open hostility."

Vatican spokesman the Reverand Federico Lombardi said the letter — released in six languages — was "really unusual and deserving of maximum attention."

Benedict acted to limit damage, as he did when he said he was "deeply sorry" over remarks in 2006 about Islam and violence that caused a storm in the Islamic world.

The latest crisis began when Benedict lifted the excommunications of four ultra-conservative bishops, including British-born Bishop Richard Williamson.

Williamson had denied in an interview with Swedish TV broadcast in January that six million Jews were killed by the Nazis. He said about 200,000 or 300,000 were murdered and none were gassed.

Benedict said Williamson's views were an "unforeseen mishap" that made his efforts of "mercy" toward the excommunicated bishops seem like a repudiation of reconciliation between Christians and Jews.

"That this overlapping of two opposing processes took place and momentarily upset peace between Christians and Jews, as well as peace within the church, is something which I can only deeply deplore," he wrote.

He thanked "all the more our Jewish friends" for understanding his commitment to friendship.

Benedict defended his attempts to bring ultra-conservative faithful loyal to the anti-modernisation movement of the late Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre back into the church's fold.

But he acknowledged that "another mistake, which I deeply regret" was made in not properly explaining his intentions and the limits of the procedure and that some groups had accused him of seeking to "turn back the clock."

"That the quiet gesture of extending a hand gave rise to a huge uproar, and this became exactly the opposite of a gesture of reconciliation, is a fact which we must accept," Benedict said.

But he said the church cannot be indifferent to a movement that counts 491 priests, 215 seminarians and six seminaries.

"Should we casually let them drift farther from the church?" he asked.

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And will the Pope now deal with his Brazilian Archbishop
[info]neil_mcgowan wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 09:24 am (UTC)
who has excommunicted those who helped a child of NINE to get an abortion after she was raped??

The girl was found to be carrying twins - expert medical opinion judged that her life would be at risk even carrying just one foetus, since her uterus was too small.

But did that stop his Holiness the Archbishop from intervening??

No wonder Catholics are reviled wherever they go. A pro-Nazi, pro-rapist cult of mysogynist anti-semitic thugs... led by former Hitler Youth member Pope Rat.
[info]antthonyc wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 11:42 am (UTC)
If the Brazilian Archbishop was guilty of anything it is showing lack of compassion (at least in public) for the poor girl. The facts of the case are more complicated than you present them, but you are right that the Catholic Church objected to the abortion in this instance, in line with its teachings.

Speaking as a Catholic myself (but I must admit I have no particular pro-Nazi, pro-rapist, mysogynist, anti-semitic leanings!) I can say that Catholics are especially reviled because we live in a secular world that increasingly seeks to substitute God with man and that values 'choice', materialism, 'mercy-killings' over love, compassion, respect for others. When I look at where this has got us (a financial crisis, Monsanto's GM 'terminator' seeds, designer babies, world poverty etc), it personally makes me value the ageless teachings of the Catholic church (respect for human life, which begins at conception) ever more.

The industrial killing of the unborn is one of the great evils in human history; the case of the 9 year-old is tragic and complicated but it is an isolated eventand shouldn't distract from the big picture. The Catholic Church is reviled because it's message is inconvenient.

ps I'm pleased Benedict apologised
Pope 'admits error' in Holocaust row
[info]mohawk91 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 12:02 pm (UTC)
How does this "square" with the notion of Papal infallibility?
Re: Pope 'admits error' in Holocaust row
[info]flamborough wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 12:55 pm (UTC)
It has no bearing on the issue of papal infallibility. If you could be bothered to find out what that meant you would understand that the Pope speaks infallibility only where he makes declarations (which must be specifically flagged up as infallible) on matters of faith and morals. Only two such declarations have been made since 1870. In so far as there is an admission of "error" in the letter under discussion it relates only to the presentational aspects of the Williamson affair. There is no admission of error in relation to the action of removing the excommunication of Bishop Williamson - on the contrary the Pope defends what he has done (and quite rightly).

If there has been any failing on the part of the Vatican it is not reminding itself that the media is largely composed of persons who are either pig-ignorant about matters of religion and/or downright hostile to the concept of faith. In such an environment unless it drills the truth home relentlessly and unequivocally it can only expect to be misrepresented.
[info]flamborough wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 12:57 pm (UTC)
It has no bearing on the issue of papal infallibility. If you could be bothered to find out what that meant you would understand that the Pope speaks infallibility only where he makes declarations (which must be specifically flagged up as infallible) on matters of faith and morals. Only two such declarations have been made since 1870. In so far as there is an admission of "error" in the letter under discussion it relates only to the presentational aspects of the Williamson affair. There is no admission of error in relation to the action of removing the excommunication of Bishop Williamson - on the contrary the Pope defends what he has done (and quite rightly).

If there has been any failing on the part of the Vatican it is not reminding itself that the media is largely composed of persons who are either pig-ignorant about matters of religion and/or downright hostile to the concept of faith. In such an environment unless it drills the truth home relentlessly and unequivocally it can only expect to be misrepresented.
[info]deaftodisco wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 01:37 pm (UTC)
If there has been any failing on the part of the Vatican it is not reminding itself that the media is largely composed of persons who are either pig-ignorant about matters of religion and/or downright hostile to the concept of faith. In such an environment unless it drills the truth home relentlessly and unequivocally it can only expect to be misrepresented.

Flamborough - Your an angry and dismissive man. I wish I knew more Catholics like you.....OH...

Oh dear what a shame...
[info]jonny_socialist wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 02:08 pm (UTC)
It seems like the leader of the kiddly fiddling death cult is feeling hard done by. Maybe its karma you nazi bastard.
Re: Oh dear what a shame...
[info]deaftodisco wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 02:37 pm (UTC)
Enjoyed this I must Say. Thanks for cheering me up Johnny.

Simple, Direct but somehow full of profound wisdom.
Re: Oh dear what a shame...
[info]tominlondon wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 03:24 pm (UTC)
You're right; Christianity is a death cult. What other religion is based on worshipping the idea of a man being slowly tortured to death? What other religion requires its adherents to believe they are eating the flesh and drinking the blood of that man? And somehow, by a process I fail to understand, saving us all from being total losers (which we otherwise would be). Revolting. Unacceptable.
pope should see as well !
[info]fakhry wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 02:38 pm (UTC)
Will pope admitted the war in the (ME) present and passed by -western ?
Would Jesus be happy when he knows that western and Zionist are killing children ?
Would Jesus accept that the victims should not defend their children ,putting them undersiege ,getting Zionist all weapon to create massacres while Gaza not allowed for defend themselves ?
By doing international confernce to make sure Gaza has to weapon ?

If their is on Justice this lead to no peace !
If people want to stop terrorism they need to see the root of terrorism.
[info]flamborough wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 03:01 pm (UTC)
It has no bearing on the issue of papal infallibility. If you could be bothered to find out what that meant you would understand that the Pope speaks infallibility only where he makes declarations (which must be specifically flagged up as infallible) on matters of faith and morals. Very few such declarations have been made. In so far as there is an admission of "error" in the letter under discussion it relates only to the presentational aspects of the Williamson affair. There is no admission of error in relation to the action of removing the excommunication of Bishop Williamson - on the contrary the Pope defends what he has done (and quite rightly).

If there has been any failing on the part of the Vatican it is not reminding itself that the media is largely composed of persons who are either pig-ignorant about matters of religion and/or downright hostile to the concept of faith. In such an environment unless it drills the truth home relentlessly and unequivocally it can only expect to be misrepresented.
[info]tominlondon wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 03:19 pm (UTC)
I can just imagine Nazinger: "Oops sorry about slipped my mind... there was actually a Holocaust. Sorreeee !"
knowdge is power to ask pope to please someone !
[info]fakhry wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 03:21 pm (UTC)
why the pope in the place to please someone , Hilter who is himselfe a "Jew"?
There must be another reason ?
If you can blackmail someone ,then you are the Vitim for them ? it is the same story of the Shylock.
Knowdge is the power with someone who blackmail someone else.
Read the book called : Scolled of the dead sea .!avoiod the fake copy,then you know the answer.

Total fallibility
[info]hcurtiss wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 03:32 pm (UTC)
D'ont mention the Inquisition! Catholicism, like all Christian, Muslim and Jewish death obsessed cults thrive in the bleak hinterland of ignorance and inherited ancient medieval superstion, and retreat only grudgingly when rationality and reason, backed by science forces them to. The genocides in Germany as more recently in Ruanda were perpetrated by many inthe Catholic faith. How many were excommunicated???

Holocaust denying bishops are just an inevitable part of this absurd culture.

When the last priest is hung on the gizzards of the last bank director - then we can breathe more free
Why don't we just get to the truth
[info]denmason wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 05:35 pm (UTC)
The whole problem I see here is that we haven't heard the TRUTH about the holocaust. If we did, we would probably have a much different view on the subject. I've been doing a bit of research myself and so far many things don't add up. It is to the point now that I wonder why what I was taught earlier in my life doesn't coincide with what I know now. Have we been lied to all this time? Do some research for yourselves folks. There is much information out there to be had... if you just take the time to find it and read. Then you can come to your own conclusion... not just repeating what you've been told to believe.
Re: Why don't we just get to the truth
[info]eve_ntual92 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 07:02 pm (UTC)
With all due respect, please supply some reliable references please? Any mainstream books for example?
Yes the pope is wrong
[info]anglophile723 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 07:01 pm (UTC)
Watch The Alternative Tour of Auschwitz on Google Video and compare it to your own Channel Five version of Germany's attempted repatriation of immigrants in Europe.
Re: Yes the pope is wrong
[info]eve_ntual92 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 07:28 pm (UTC)
Will have a look. Thanks.
vatican blues
[info]blokeno2 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 07:13 pm (UTC)
when the Vatican has the Rothschilds as its banker it is cause for worry.
The Bishop
[info]steve_wiseman wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 07:26 pm (UTC)
...what Bishop Williamson said was according to the research that he has seen it would seem that between 200, 000 and 300, 000 Jews perished in the camps;he did not say they were murdered.

The deniers maintain that, aside from the executions of Jews as traiters, criminals, sabateurs ect. very few Jews were actually murdered in the camps. They claim that most of the deaths in the camps were caused by disease and starvation, particularly in the last few months of the war when the cities supplying the camps were destroyed, just as they have in any other war ever fought. Recall it took the Allies 6 weeks after liberation to stop the dying in the camps and they had DDT, water, food, doctors, nurses and medicine.
popiola admits error
[info]judi221 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 08:03 pm (UTC)
I don't know what he's really saying, he's doing "newspeak" to confound everybody. And I don't care.

Am I E V E R glad I got out of the church while the going was good!

Nobody is denying the dark doings of the Nazis and the crazy hitler, but history is revised all the time.

But it's as if the jews have cornered the market on suffering - they present themselves as the central victims- and everybody else killed and in the concentration camps are margenalized. There were millions of other Nationalities and Races, that were killed or died in the War. There were 50 +milllion Russians that were killed, and millions of other Allied soliders that died.

Innocent civilians were killed in Dresden. Eisenhower killed 1.7 million German POWs in open air camps after the war= they died in a most horrible way. NO ONE deserved to die in ANY Camp.

WHAT (?) are jews more valued than others?


I am Utter disgusted and OUTRAGED - it's come to that point!!

WHAT NERVE OF THE JEWS! They can call me names, insult me or call me anti-Semitic -(as if they had a drop of Semitic blood, anyway). I mean anti-jew and anti-semitic have been JUST overused all these years, to prevent non-jews researching.


NO ONE is going to stop me researching, what REALLY happened during those years, and the more people try, the more I will research and speak out.

And another thing, the one would think the jews would be OVERJOYED to find out, less of their people died! And certainly, NOT in the gas ovens! What's the matter with these people? Would they be happier if, 10 million jews died, in more horrible ways.

I mean I would be CELEBRATING to have this wonderful news! I would be having a party and having my friends over, with wine and champagne!!!

This has all been blown up by the Zionist media machine!
[info]peacetruther wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 09:06 pm (UTC)
Bishop Williamson is entitled to his opinion and from his own research he came to a conclusion.If people disagree do so but don't blacken him with false hoods. The 6 million figure has been downgraded by the officialdom in 1989! Not by Bishop Williamson. Auschwitz for years had the figure for the victims as 4 million.But the red cross and the Russian archives matched and the figure was less than a million! So they settled on 1.4 million! The new plaque now states 1.5 Million victims from the old figure of 4 Million! So that means the 6 Million figure is wrong and Bishop Williamson is right. So why is he being vilified? 3 million victims have vanished! So why is this pretence being kept up? We need an open debate and free speech is a right and the threat and action of extraditing and jailing people who have other opinions of this event must be halted NOW.This is NOT right or just.Germany and Austria are acting like Nazi Germany by prosecuting with jail those who have come to other conclusions.

This is power!!!
[info]werefeat wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 09:47 pm (UTC)
Since the famous six million story never happened, you are seeing where true world power lies. They can make the POPE say what they want him to say.

Contest the story, go to jail. Have your name slandered, have your taxes audited. The truth is no defense.
[info]zipper869 wrote:
Thursday, 12 March 2009 at 10:27 pm (UTC)
It seems the Vatican and Jews enjoy an excellent relationship as long as it's on Jewish terms. OK, let's say Williams is full of it....Let the case stand or fall on the merits. I'm really tired of the assumption that people of European decent are prone to mindless genocide everytime someone says something that doesn't square with Holocaust orthodoxy. A more fitting subject for the world to concentrate on would be the current genocide taking place in Gaza.
[info]elieweisel wrote:
Friday, 13 March 2009 at 10:10 am (UTC)
The Pope is WRONG (this proves he is fallible).


A little investigation makes this clear.

For a start you should consider this:

In 1990, the Jew HolyCo$t Lie Changed:

From 1948, till 1990, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable was:

Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 3,000,000
Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 4,000,000

From 1990, till the present, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable has been:

Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 1,000,000
Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 1,500,000

And,... Check out this Jew Math.

From 1948, till 1990, the overall number of Jews supposedly killed by the Nazis was 6,000,000

In 1990, the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz was reduced from 3,000,000 to 1,000,000

So, you would think that the overall number of Jews killed would also have been reduced to

6,000,000 - 2,000,000 = 4,000,000

But not at all,...

From 1990, till the present, the Jews have continued to claim that the overall number of Jews killed by the Nazis is 6,000,000

You see, for the Jews, any LIE that is believed, is a good LIE.

Even if the LIE is as stupid as the one I have just pointed out.

Here are a few of articles that may help explain what happened:

So, why do people believe in the holocaust, anyway?

A Quick Proof that the Holocaust Story is a Lie.

The Jews Declare War on Germany (in 1933).

Death Certificates issued at Auschwitz.
[info]elieweisel wrote:
Friday, 13 March 2009 at 10:17 am (UTC)

Most people get this question wrong.

In fact, the Pope is NOT a Catholic, he is a (covert) Jew.

Ever wonder why Popes wear a Jewish skullcap?

Ever wondered why the Pope would so forcefully push the HolyCo$t myth, which is so obviously a lie?

Ever wondered why the Pope would sack a Bishop for believing a different version of history?

Ever wondered why the Pope would say that attacking Jews and Judaism was the same as an attack on the Church?

Ever wondered why the Pope would listen to the Jew Angela Merkel (German prime minister).

The fact is that many Popes have been (secret) Jews, as is Benedict XVI, as was John Paul II.

Golden Rule Number 8: Infiltrate ALL leadership positions, especially those of your enemy.

To understand what happens in the world, you need to know that

Bush, Blair, Obama, Putin, Merkel, Sarkozy, Harper, Howard, Rudd and most other leaders are (covert) Jews.

See for yourself (PHOTOS):

And while you are looking,... try this 2.2 MB mega-photo of Rabbis and politicians:

Although not included in the photos,... Obama is also a Jew.

Here is a picture of Obama's Jew Momma:

Here is a picture of Obama's wife's cousin. The rabbi Capers C. Funnye:

And here is a photo of Obama himself wearing a skullcap.
Pope killed the right to have an Openion, something even Jesus did not do.
[info]springotime wrote:
Friday, 13 March 2009 at 01:17 pm (UTC)
I have heard a lot about the freedom of speech and freedom of having your own opinion, which means having a free choice of evaluating any material without the fear of persecution. In Bishop Williamson case as a person, who has exercised his right to form an opinion based on the research and considering factual evidences over number of years, only one group jumped out of its sit to declare war against this precious man. A group which is in Cult up to the neck itself.
The Zionist-Jewish cult, has dictated their views of WWII and the story of Holocaust for many years now, without any references and evidences for evaluation, or in fact any historical motivation, and plan as to why the Germans had to kill these many Jews? In other word, Why, Why, Why the German has found such a hatred in their hearts against Jews? What Jews did, or were doing in Germany that caused 6,000,00.00 of them to be killed in such in human way. (yes I have heard before, because they were rich, or controlling the money market, or German were jealous, or religious discrimination and so on, But I have to say non of these reasons are reasonable enough for such a disproportionate crime that we call Auschwitz dead camp)
Every, and any Murder has a motivation behind it. And for anyone to come to understand such heinous crime, an absolute understanding of the whole drama is a must. You ask why? Then I should say because there were a number of high ranking Jewish officers were with third Reich, and also German army had a number of Jewish soldiers within itself. The Auschwitz as documented is not a camp but a working complex with all kind of social amenities in it.
Then WHY????, a government or Military entity, who hates a bunch of people so bad that can kill indiscriminately about 6,000,000. of them, provides Jobs in its military and civil industry for them.
Beside, where are those Jewish officers who were engaged with the Third Rich against Jews? Why not even one of them is found or brought to justice? Nevertheless, I do not wish to deny the atrocities that happened against the Jews, but then again, there were other people who went through such insensate state of affairs.
At any rate, the Pope by going against Bishop Williamson, has submitted himself to the Zionist cult and their likes, has breached the fundamental human right of This man and has plunged the whole Catholic communities with himself, into this abuse and deprivation of this committed priest.
[info]paschn wrote:
Saturday, 14 March 2009 at 02:45 am (UTC)
Dear Pope Coward,

You do not for ANY reason chastise a religeous man for making a POLITICAL statement. Further, you DO NOT grovel at the feet of the religeous organization responsible for hounding, framing, threatening a seated governor into washing his hands of the Jewish mess and ALLOWING them to MURDER a TRULY innocent man for nothing more than causing, (justifiable), waves in their little money changing scheme IN HIS FATHER'S HOUSE.
FINALLY, do NOT lend blind support to a historically UN-proven money making political ploy called the holocaust when you would have done much MORE good to suggest an OBJECTIVE forum to lay-out all evidence pro and con to either show it for the lie it is OR prove it IS fact to the latest generation being forced to PAY for it. What you SHOULD have done was demmand ALL catholics to stand UNITED against the TERRORIST acts of the last 60 years against the PALESTINIANS. I am Christian, not a catholic, but Christian. had I BEEN a Catholic when you showed such cowardice, I would be an EX-Catholic by now.

Yours truly,

[info]joeny wrote:
Tuesday, 17 March 2009 at 07:34 pm (UTC)
The Independent is the only UK newspaper that publishes naked Jew-hatred and Holocaust denial on its website. Why ??

"Since the famous six million story never happened, you are seeing where true world power lies. They can make the POPE say what they want him to say."

"The whole problem I see here is that we haven't heard the TRUTH about the holocaust."

"why the pope in the place to please someone , Hilter who is himselfe a "Jew"?

"In fact, the Pope is NOT a Catholic, he is a (covert) Jew.
Ever wonder why Popes wear a Jewish skullcap?

Ever wondered why the Pope would so forcefully push the HolyCo$t myth, which is obviously a lie? There must be another reason ?
If you can blackmail someone ,then you are the Vitim for them ? it is the same story of the Shylock."

"Bush, Blair, Obama, Putin, Merkel, Sarkozy, Harper, Howard, Rudd and most other leaders are (covert) Jews."

Why does just the "liberal", "left-wing" Independent publish such nasty, inflammatory anti-semitic lies?

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