Welcome to the world of the aristo-entrepreneur

Let me introduce you to a peculiar breed whose highly publicised forays into business are propelled by a heavy dose of entitlement plus immunity to the usual rules of engagement, writes Caroline Bullock

Sunday 06 March 2022 21:30
<p>There’s always some willing investor ready to bail you out or take a chance in the first place</p>

There’s always some willing investor ready to bail you out or take a chance in the first place

With little other distraction in this drab interior of a serviced office block I found myself clock watching.

It’s 11.15am. The interview, I’d been sent to do should have started 15 minutes ago – its subject, a make-up artist with a minor celebrity status – acquired through her model sister and an aristocratic pedigree – was sat in front of me but very little was happening.

We were supposed to be discussing the launch of her eponymous make-up line, but she was chatting with her business partner/pal/PA – lots of conspiratorial asides and loud laughter as if catching up over cocktails in a wine bar, some gossip on a mutual friend from a party, which I, of course, wasn’t privy to. A check of her phone messages and then, and only then, some acknowledgment of my presence and the reason we were there.

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