Starsky and Hutch swap Ford Torino for a caravan

James Burleigh
Monday 03 November 2003 01:00

Huggy Bear would strut off in disgust if he saw the behaviour of David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser, the stars of Starsky and Hutch. This week, they are to join forces with the British Caravan Club to promote the simple pleasures to be had from mobile holidaymaking.

But their fans can rest assured that the heroes of the Seventies cult cop show, now both 60, are not losing their cool. The pair will simply be swapping one icon of the American highways - their trademark red and white Ford Gran Torino - for another when they try to introduce the classic US-based Airstream caravan, known as "the Silver Bullet" to Britain.

The actors will be at the club stand at the Caravan and Outdoor Leisure Show in Earls Court, west London, tomorrow to show off a 22ft version of the Airstream caravan, which will be available in the UK within a year.

The streamlined trailers, a familiar sight on US highways in the 1950s, are expected to cost between £20,000 and £30,000.

The Caravan Club has been working with Airstream over the past year, offering advice on how to a bring a road-legal version of its product to the UK.

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